Coming soon! TOTDESIGNER AR for Apple iPad

Magnificent - interactive 2D / 3D / AR educational content, logic games, smart quests in your Apple iPad tablet. Your tablet with TOTDESIGNER AR is a center for interactive lessons, new knowledge, motivation and desire to learn, your personal study / workbook, an interactive book, communication with authorized educational centers. You study, play, work - interactively, no tests. Full immersion and perfect approach to obtaining new knowledge.

Great course in Astronomy and many others in our Store.
On the iPad, you get a new feature! 3D and AR modes. Interactive 2D designer of a satellite space probe with functions for detecting material awareness. Transition from 2D mode to 3D and AP modes with seamless passing interactive lessons. Construct objects, check the correctness, without interrupting from execution, look at the 3D model of the object being studied. Multitasking. Learn, design in a smart designer, see 3D model! All this at your fingertips - on your iPad!
3D and AR modes
Great detail models
The most unusual course of Anatomy.
This course is a unique interactive lesson built on a unique method of understanding the material. You can download even more lessons in our catalog immediately from the TOTDESIGNER AR application. Learn the musculoskeletal system with interactive methods, constructing the human skeleton! Examine the nervous, circulatory system with the help of an intelligent designer who determines the awareness of the material. Place the bones, organs and other systems of the body on a 2D human avatar of the person! Do not interrupt on the assembly avatar person. Open the 3D model of a person’s avatar and use all the advantages of the iOS version of TOTDESIGNER AR on iPad!
Interactive lesson and viewing interactive 2D model
Detailed 3D model of the human musculoskeletal system
The best solution for your children
Order the system and new content
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